ADR Course Parts

ADR Revision Core Module

ADR is an EU Directive.

It covers all vehicles.

The Core

ADR Core Mandatory Module
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2004 (SI
2004/568) (the Carriage Regulations) and the European agreement (Accord européen relatif au
transport international des marchandises dangere uses par route, known as ADR) which together
regulate the carriage of dangerous goods by road are highly prescriptive. The regulations were
amended in July 2005 to reflect the changes made in ADR for 2005. For most duty holders the changes
are minor but one significant change is that from 1 January 2007 drivers of all vehicles will need to hold
an ADR training certificate. The small load exemption will still apply.

ADR Course Objectives
  • To ensure Drivers understand the legislation.
  • Have sufficient knowledge to operate safely.
  • To understand the need for ongoing training.
Driver Requirements
  • Attend an approved course
  • Pass OCR Exams in:- Core Tanks and / or Packages

Any one or combination of the classes 1 to 9
  • Gain a vocational certificate which is valid for 5 years.
  • Renew certificate at least 6 months before old one expires.
  • Be able to produce that certificate on demand.
(Note The certificate must not be laminated)

ADR Core Module

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Driver Training