ADR Course Parts

ADR Revision Core Module

ADR is an EU Directive.

It covers all vehicles.

The Core Module Page 3

Responsible for Classification, packaging and labelling of the goods.

‘Consignment’ means any package or packages, or load of dangerous goods, presented by a consignor for carriage.

‘Operators and Drivers’ comply with all transport rules. Transport rules start when the goods are loaded until completely unloaded and where required cleaned or purged.

Documents for the Driver

The consignor will give the operator detailed information on the good so a Transport Document can be prepared. Transport Document Will include:–

  • Names and addresses of consignor and consignee.
  • UN Number.
  • Proper shipping name.
  • Hazard Class.
  • Packing group if assigned.
  • Size and number of packages or the Total mass of the consignment.
  • Other required details.

Operator to ensure driver has a copy to carry on the vehicle Emergency Instructions ( TREMCARD )
Will include:–
  • Name and Description of the goods.
  • Type of hazard that may be encountered.
  • Any necessary protective equipment.
  • Action to be taken in the event of an emergency.
  • Any special instructions.
  • First Aid information.
  • Fire information.
  • Environmental protection steps.

Written Instructions to be displayed in a prominent place in the cab. Tremcards not applicable to be removed or put in closed pouch to avoid confusion. If a loaded trailer is detached a tremcard must be attached to the trailer. For International journeys the tremcard must be in every major language for each county on route.

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Driver Training