Tanker Module Page 2
Types of Tank
Atmospheric Tank
- Designed to work under normal pressure.
- Made of mild steel 3mm thick 4.5mm under ADR – Lighter and cheaper.
- Can go 6 years between cleans if used with the same contents.
Pressure Tank
- Able to withstand internal pressure for the purpose of discharging the contents.
Top Discharge Tank
- For very dangerous loads no openings other than the upper surface.
- Up to 9000 Lts.
Elevated Temperature Tank
- Tanks with insulation and some with heating coils to keep the contents in liquid state.
Waste Tank
- Usually pressure / vacuum tanks – May be lined. – Can be opened at the back.
Gas Tank
- Liquid gas tank – strong barrel design capable of pressures of 120psi.
- Tube Manifold – Least common – A series of large strong cylinders attached to the vehicle.
- Cryogenic tank – A double or treble shelled ’vacuum flask’ Gas can be kept at –200c
Powder Tank
- For transporting solids in power or granular form.
Tank Construction
Commonly made of:–
- Mild steel.
- Stainless steel.
- Aluminum.
- GRP.
Tanks can be lined with:–
- Rubber.
- Plastic.
- Glass.
- Lead.
- Lacquer.
- Titanium.
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