ADR Course Parts

ADR Revision Core Module

ADR is an EU Directive.

It covers all vehicles.

Tanker Module Page 7

On tankers–position on both sides and the rear. On Containers and solo trailers–position on all 4 sides.
Potential Causes of Fires
  • Electrical problems.
  • Fuel leaks.
  • Overheated brakes.
  • Use of unauthorised transmitters ( CB or mobile phones).
  • Flat tyres.
  • Friction sparks.
  • Electrostatic discharge:- Static can build up when a product flows along pipes or entering tanks. The voltage is a key factor in producing a spark. Many 1000’s of volts can easily be generated. To prevent this, electrically bond all pipes and the tank and connect to earth.
–Do this before flow commences.–

Parking When some loads are not being driven they must be parked safely with the handbrake applied in this order of priority:–
  1. Supervised by a competent person (over 18) within easy reach or within sight.
  2. In a vehicle park where it’s unlikely to sustain damage.
  3. In a suitable open space, not on the road or near housing.

Navigate through this module.

Driver Training